
The Culture HUD


December 2017

TV Review – Iron Fist, Season 1

Title Card

Was it a great decision to put the narrative weight of an entire Marvel Netflix project on the back of the most sloppily made version of The Defenders’ premise? If you ask me, no. Not a bit. Thankfully, you don’t have to leave your home to watch Iron Fist (no doubt the series’s only saving grace). I am not sure it’s exactly as bad as some of the staunchest critics insist, but it’s still an unbelievable drop in quality compared to the previous three.

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Video Game Review – Night in the Woods


From the immediately recognizable art style, to the incredibly affecting story, the story of Mae Borowski is one of the best I’ve heard all year. It deals with a the issues of a generation that knows economic hardship, the struggle maintaining relationships in the face of such problems, and the challenge maintaining your ideals and passions when the world seems content on crushing them. It also has ghosts, murder and bass guitars… ooooh.

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December is Defenders Month

The Defenders if a phenomenal Netflix project involving some of the Marvel Universe’s smaller heroes. This is less about fighting intergalactic planet eaters and more about keeping the city safe from seedy criminals and small time tormentors. This month I would like to celebrate that project.

These series are wonderful accomplishments in writing, character drama, storytelling and social commentary. They tie in the superhero content comics fans love, with the wide-reaching relevance that makes them appealing to everyone else. In honor of my rush to catch up with the shows, I will be reviewing each series on The Culture HUD.

Daredevil, Season 1 (Episode 12): HERE

Jessica Jones, Season 1: HERE

Daredevil, Season 2: HERE

Luke Cage, Season 1: HERE

Iron Fist, Season 1: HERE

The Defenders, Crossover: 2018

The Punisher, Season 1: 2018

TV Review – Luke Cage, Season 1


My next Defender review is of the bulletproof black man defending Harlem from the crooks and schemers were would make that cultural hub a dangerous place to live. It starts to taper off in quality toward the end, but it is still a welcome installation in the overall project.

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TV Review – Jessica Jones, Season 1


The Defenders project in the Marvel TV Universe is a phenomenal output, but Jessica Jones has to be my favorite. Of all the qualities these series likes to flirt with (characters drama, social commentary, ultraviolence), this show ties everything together most effectively. It is a wonderful bit of television that should not be overlooked, even by people who may not like super heroes.

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TV Review – Daredevil, Season 2


The Marvel television project was just a really good idea. It added a darker flavor to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, while throwing some memorable characters our way, both good and bad. Daredevil continues to be a good series, but suffers slightly from its rush to build the world for subsequent series continuity. It loses focus on its individual identity, but not with any overwhelming detriment.

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Video Game Discussion – Loot Boxes are Terrible

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The hottest new method for AAA games to monetize their products is, predictably, a load of nasty garbage. It forces players to make a psychological wager against the amount of fun they have, should they want to pay only the base price for a game. It’s pure greed at the cost of a hassle free gaming experience. Sometimes they are worse than others, but the whole idea is founded on a drive to rob the consumer of all their money without having to substantially earn it. I go into serious detail in this article.

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