
The Culture HUD



TV review – Aggretsuko, Episodes 1-10

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It always puts a big smile in my face when a seemingly hilarious comedy premise actual digs deeper into relatable human experiences; or in this case, white collar panda worker experiences. Aggretsuko is about a mild-mannered accountant who hates her job but is able to engage with her true self by singing heavy metal in Karaoke bars. While that basic idea remains consistently awesome, I liked the digs into working culture, particularly from the perspective of women. It does not hold that steam all the way through, but it is a wonderful time.

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Movie Review – Death Note (2017)


I understand why people might want to avoid this movie, especially since remakes of anime (American or Japanese) typically fail.  Anime fan or not, though, everyone should watch this movie. Working better as a parody of itself than a genuine horror flick, the train wreck on screen will probably leave you better disposed toward this film than you might expect.

And then months later, you can look back on exactly how terrible it was, provided you can even remember that it happened. I often think I’m the only one who does.

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Movie Discussion – My Reservations and Curiosities about the New Death Note Netflix Movie

geekgirlauthority dot com

I am thoroughly ambivalent about this movie existing. I am not sure what an American interpretation can add to the piece, but since it will exist regardless, here are some of my overriding concerns. Let’s see how this pans out. (Update: Good new, Death Note (2017) didn’t even bother having the discussion… what a dumb movie).

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TV Review – Death Note E26 “Renewal”

I give my review of an episode that took up space where a better episode should have gone. Someone really dropped the ball with this particular clip show, mostly because it kneecapped any chance to ease audiences into what was otherwise this series’s big downward slide.

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