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Video Game Review – Cuphead


Well, Stephen the part-time blogger

He wanted a new game

By chance he came to a Steam page

And gosh he’s gone insane (Gone Insane!)

And He has played with all his might

As each of his fingers bled

For he will try and he will die

In the game we call Cuphead.

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Video Game Discussion – Cuphead: Fan Toxicity at the Intersection of Hype, Identity, and Fear


Since there is not going to be a PS4 release of Cuphead any time soon, I’m stuck writing about the crappy fanbase looking to make targets out of everyone refusing to present this game a red carpet with their tongues. And that’s before we get to the implication that such anger is meant to drive women and people of color out of “game journalism.”

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Video Game Review – Snake Pass

Snake Pass_20170728185426

One promise I made to myself in 2017 was to play more indie games. My first indie review of this year is an excellent game whose unique mechanics let me enjoy a genre that I otherwise avoid. Plus, it’s just adorable!

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