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Video Game Review – Red Dead Redemption 2

Property of Rockstar Studios and Rockstar Games

With Grand Theft Auto V being the most profitable piece of entertainment media in all time, it makes sense that Rockstar’s follow up would be the most extravagant product ever to hit store shelves. And believe me, this game is looking to be the MOST of everything. The most beautiful open world, the most freedom in a video game space, the most compelling story and characters, the most awkward protagonist to control, the most tedious methods for something as simple as cooking meat, and the most obnoxious online mode.

Red Dead Redemption 2 is a monument to everything about AAA video games, mostly for better but sometimes for worse. It’s proudly showcases the creative ambitions of gaming’s most talented developers, while occasionally making us wade in their flawed interpretation of what people find fun. The game’s highs stand far above the accomplishments of many others, but it’s lows are enough to warrant consideration before playing this otherwise strong title.

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Video Game Review – Overwatch

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So it finally happened… Overwatch finally clicked for me. I never grew to resent the game with the kind of passion that some individuals displayed, but I was fully willing to accept that another explosive gaming trend just wasn’t for me. Then two years later, on a free weekend in August of 2018, I just got it. Consequently, I thought now would be a good time to (briefly) explain what exactly won me over, because nothing drives engagement like being really, really late.

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Video Games Discussion – Video Games Cause Violence (2018): Trump’d


Now obviously, video games do not cause the kinds of epidemic level mass shooter violence that you read about in the news, but prominent Republican politicians are dragging that fossil of an argument back out from the dirt, and the President of the United States is listening. The research on this dubious link is both nuanced and far from conclusive, but what has produced results still cannot bridge the gap between Call of Duty fan and spree killer.

Here I was thinking that the center-right, GamerGate crowd would have to reconcile their support for a President more willing to protect the NRA than their hobby, but this is no such reality. Turns out, many gamers have turned their accusatory gaze back toward left-leaning publications. If a website has written an article about how badly women are treated in games, you bet there will be accusations that they are the ones banning video games, and not the actual politicians. Go figure. I offer my thoughts on the whole issue, and try to articulate exactly how little patience I have for these trivial takes.

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Video Game Review – Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus

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Because I hold Wolfenstein: The New Order in such high esteem, it is a shame that the sequel could not live up to that bar. All things considered, however, the sequel is still a smashing good time, with tense action, zany characters, and a driving motivation to take out some Nazis.

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Video Game Review – Uncharted: The Lost Legacy

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With Nathan Drake ending his adventuring career for good, The Lost Legacy shows us that the Uncharted universe still has more stories to tell, with characters that have a lot to offer. Chloe Frazer was my favorite character in the series, and this game reminded me why. With this title such a good offering, I look forward to see how else the developers can expand the Uncharted universe, should they so choose.

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Video Game Review – Uncharted 4: A Theif’s End

Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End™_20161030173005

The conclusion to one of the most iconic storied ever told by a reliable PlayStation brand. This is the end of Nathan Drake’s story, and it’s a really darn good one. After spending time as an honest working man, Drake meets up with his brother who offers him the proverbial “one last job.” Naturally, he gets more than he bargains for in a surprisingly decent character exploration.

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Video Game Review – Just Cause 3

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This is not a game about exploring the intricacies of US foreign policy or the imperialism underlying our assumed role as world police. This is not about exploring revolution through the lens of an individual, taking apart what it means to be a freedom fighter. This is a game where you blow stuff up, and it’s pretty good at that.

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Video Game Review – Broforce

A small action platformer with a lot to offer. Taking the macho brutality of action heroism to the EXTREME!! (Yes I was shouting when I typed that). Good fun and laughs for everyone.

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